Compiz CPU usage dramatically increased in Ubuntu 14.04 ESXI vmware

This problem also affects VMs running on VMware ESX with a software-rendering GPU. Window movement becomes sluggish, which suggests that even with GPUs, compiz has increased the number of operations required to move windows.


I had difficulties with this problem on Ubuntu 14.04. The CPU Usage was charged by compiz over 60 %...I followed the instructions from a Bug-report:

  1. Download the "Compiz Config Settings Manager" from Ubuntu Apps

  2. Run the Config Manager and select the section "OpenGL"

  3. Turn the option "Sync to VBlank" of

  4. Reboot or Log in and out.

After this procedure the CPU Usage of compiz is at 10%..

I hope this helps others as well.



answered Sep 16 '15 at 14:10

Re: compiz takes a lot of CPU load in Ubuntu 14.04

Are you running on llvmpipe? If not it is not the same bug. If you are running on llvmpipe then your video adapter is not capable of running Unity 3D because it cannot do 3D accelerated rendering in hardware. The CPU is having to do the work. Either that or there is a conflict with a proprietary video driver that is forcing Ubuntu to load using llvmpipe and instead of the proprietary video driver. That could be why there is such a load on the CPU.

I am using a development version of 15.04 on a machine with an Intel dual core CPU running at 2.40 GHz and 1 GB RAM. And Compiz is using less than 3% CPU and dropping to 0.3%. And never more that 10% RAM. 


autodetection && turn ON on esxi 3D accelerated rendering

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